I discovered the joy of this art form 20 years ago in a moment of accident and spontaneity. I’ve since composed several thousand poems for people from every demographic there is, on every topic you can imagine: from “The journey of a corn dog: mouth to anus”, to “Two weeks before her 21st birthday my daughter was killed in a car crash”.
There is no restriction on the request for a topic, because the topic is irrelevant to the origin of the poem. I derive language out of my body’s sensations and intuitions. Sometimes people will want to stump me and try to come up with something they deem difficult, for instance, “Micheal Jackson’s hemorrhoid”, or “the viscosity of excellent stew”. What they don’t understand is that what makes a poem difficult is an absence of feeling, not the construct of an idea. The more vividly I feel the person and situation, the more quickening the poetic insight . It is the body of the request, not the language of it, that I'm tending to. This is why each poem is unique, because no person or situation is the same, though the request maybe a repeat of something I've heard a hundred times.
Poem magic has become my love affair with the human heart, in all it’s manifestations. Through the poems, I’ve been privy to thousands of ways of being broken, of being healed, of wanting to die, of being profoundly grateful. Since I was a child I have been plagued with an irredeemable sense of loneliness. The poems, and each of the people who request them, are my medicine. Each one of my poems is a testimony to the healing available through empathy and connection, one to one, heart to heart.
““Whence came you hither?” asked the golden king.
“Out of the clefts where gold dwells,” replied the serpent.
“What is more glorious than gold?”
“What is more quickening than Light?”
Wedding Reception, Brooklyn NY